Astrology and Love

Astrology and Love

 Astrology and Love

Well, you are now thinking of dating and are meeting various potential partners. But how will you find out if they’re the right partner? There are many ways of doing that i.e. observing their character and personality may not be enough.

Instead, using astrology you can calculate compatibility with your partner. And even though the process may seem complex, it’s easier as you can even use the sun sign to identify your match.

The sun sign is the position of the sun during your birth and is a determiner of personalities. The stars will also help you prevent bad relationships, and incompatible ones that often results in toxic energy that feed insecurities.

Astrology and Finding Love

Astrology love

Most people usually turn to astrology when they are looking for love. Everyone needs love and experiencing it requires the right partner.

Also, you may want to know how the relationship will turn out, this curiosity ignites your interest in astrology and love.

So, if you’re looking for answers on love, then Venus is the most important sign to consider.

Venus is closely related with romance, and using this sign, you’ll know the romantic partner you can win and under which circumstance.

Venus Astrology and love

Well, below are the different Zodiac signs and their relation to Venus:


If you’re an Aries Venus, then you’ll want an active partner who is competitive and derives pleasure from winning. The partner will also be adventurous and can remain at the same pace as you. And once in a while, you’ will make them feel like they are in control of the relationship to make them feel valuable in your relationship.


Taurus people love partners who are steady, slow and love fine wine. These are partners who can develop emotional security or accumulate materials over time. Also, you will love someone who takes a step at a time and at times, you’ll fall in love with partners who can build a house or financial empire.


As a Gemini, you will desire partners who are blessed with the gift of a cab. This is someone who can spend their entire time listening to your stories and also narrating their own. Or simply, you want someone who can spend their entire day talking to you. If not so, then they’ll bore you out.


These people love taking time before they enter into a relationship with someone else. Their love partners will share their character, goals and morals. That is someone who takes care of their emotions, the people around them and also nurture them the same way their parents will do.


If you’re a Leo, then you’ll always desire to date someone who is a public figure. Whether it’s a TV host, movie actress, you’ll want someone who is not afraid of showing off. Therefore, any partner who seems successful is attractive to you, and you’ll also desire proud personalities.


Virgos are attracted to partners who care more about their health and fitness. Therefore, if you’re a man, you will be gushing on those ladies who follow a strict dieting or those regular gym attendees. Well, get a workaholic partner as she is your best match.


As a Libra, you’ll desire a pleasant, beautiful or an agreeable partner. This is someone who loves taking charge, and when around them, you will be quiet since they’ll keep the peace or engage in other activities such as decorating art.


As a Scorpio, you will always desire partners who love always desire fun. These are people who love adventures and are willing to go all the way to make your life more exciting.

Whether it’s an old mystery they are solving, or they have a dark side, you’ll always be attracted to their unusual personality. Also, you may desire someone who doesn’t see their sexuality as a limit to what they can achieve in society or the entire world.

At times, you will be attracted to those people who will make you more confident, powerful or those people in power.


If you’re a Sagittarius, then you’ll love people who belong to different religions, backgrounds or culture etc. also, you’re similar to the Gemini as you will love partners who love talking.

These are partners who will devote their time to tell you how to do something or even a past story.

You’ll gain much from them, and besides, you will also love those who like traveling.

Partners who like learning new things such as foreign language also fit your bill as you like being pushed beyond your boundaries by a lover.


Capricorns are business-minded people, and once you note a potential partner who loves business, you’re instantly attracted to them. Ambition and goals attract you, and you will also desire someone who can provide financial and emotional stability. This disciplined partner can start a project and complete it on time despite the odds.


As an Aquarius, you will desire a partner who can double as a best friend. This is someone who you can share and discuss different topics with, such as aliens or anything extraordinary in this world.

You want someone goofy and eccentric is you, and it won’t matter if the lover is aloof or detached as you’ll need them to be only independent. Or overall, you want a partner that can enjoy your weirdness with you.


Pisces are usually open when it comes to looking for their dream lover. And though the lover may not have distinct characteristics unlike those for the other signs, you just want someone who shares your dreams and who can do any activity with you whether it’s listening to music or lying in bed all day.


Astrology has a huge impact on your love life, depending on your Zodiac sign. Also, the sun, moon and other plants will determine your potential partner and the traits you’ll be considering when identifying a life partner.

Follow the Venus signs today and depending on your Zodiac sign, you’ll know your best match.