Astrology And Tarot

Astrology and Tarot

Astrology and Tarot

Tarot is important when studying people, and knowing the Tarot cards that correspond to the Zodiac signs will help you make good Tarot readings.

Besides, each star sign in Astrology corresponds to a Tarot card. Astrology is important during the interpretation of Tarot cards and spreads.

These spreads are represented by the Golden Dawn Helmetic Order, which was traced to Great Britain and has been in existence from the 19th century up to the 20th century.

This spiritual current is where the four tarot decks emerged: The Golden Dawn Tarot, The Thoth Tarot, Waite-Smith Taro and BOTA Tarot.

The rise of these tarot decks are attributed to men such as, i.e., Mr. Aleister Crowley, Dr. Arthur Edward Waite and others who are responsible for their inception.

Astrology and Tarot Cards

The Connection Between Tarots and Astrology

Tarots and astrology are similar in many ways and the two form a perfect pair. Tarots have some astrological components, and they date back to ancient times.

But the current tarots in our possession were influenced during the Renaissance period while the astrology system has been designed in place since the pre-Christianity period.

The basic structure of astrology also remains the same, and the new planets also were added to astrology after their discovery.

The connection between tarots and astrology is widely seen in the astrological signs.

Each tarot card is associated with a certain astrological sign. These tarot cards are found in the Major arcana and are very powerful since they determine the type of a person.

Zodiac Signs and their Tarot Card

Aries – The Emperor

Astrology, Tarot, Emperor

If you’re an Aries, then your tarot card is the emperor, and he is the person who is always there in times of need.

This tarot card represents your sacrifice and determination to help your friends even through tough times.

Therefore, you always use your powers and authority to help other people achieve their goals or solve some problems.

Taurus – The Hierophant

Astrology and Tarot Hierophant

This card is a representation of learning from experienced and knowledgeable minds.

These tutors will also help you get deeper truths, and through these lessons, you can realize different insights that will help in your life.

Gemini – The Lovers

Astrology, Tarot, Lover

Gemini’s have a dual nature, and this tarot card clearly shows this. During different turning points in your life, you will have to choose to take a low or high road.

The Lovers card reminds you to always weigh available options before making a decision.

Cancer – The Chariot

Astrology, Chariot, Tarot

Cancer’s tarot card is known as the Chariot and gives you strength and guidance during different dilemmas in your life.

And though your Zodiac sign encourage you to seek security; you’ll still be free to try many roads to complete your race successfully.

Leo – Strength

Astrology, Strength, Tarot

This tarot card shows your physical strength, your mental, spiritual and emotional prowess.

You are courageous, like lions, and this helps you to overcome different obstacles and problems in your way.

Virgo – The Hermit

Hermit Astrology, Tarot

This tarot card encourages you to go slow on your endeavors and instead focus on your life.

Your life is now like that of a proverbial older man who, in a long time, gets tired of chasing finances and other luxuries in the world and instead retreats to find a meaningful purpose in his life.

Libra – Justice

Astrology, Justice, Tarot

This card teaches you to prioritize your needs and not desires.

It encourages you to put your emotions and feelings aside, and once you reach a favorable end, everything will go right in your life.

Scorpio – Death

Astrology, Tarot, Death

This tarot card represents transformation in your life and is the time you will detach yourself from the past and focus on your present.

Also, break the binds that you have with others, redefine your identity and have a mysterious life that everyone will struggle to know.

Sagittarius – Temperance

Astrology, Tarot, Temperance

As a Sagittarius, you have the gift of the gab, and can, therefore, balance many judgments to realize a common ground.

You also have genuine understanding and awareness that enables you to handle many difficulties arising in your way.

Capricorn – The Devil

Astrology, Devil, Tarot

This card encourages you to know yourself better for you to gain information that’ll enable you achieve spiritual transformation.

It encourages you to replace any negativity and doubts with self-confidence and a more positive attitude that’ll enable you to achieve your goals.

Aquarius – The Star

Astrology and Tarot, Star

This tarot card focuses on optimism, and being in the star makes you believe you can achieve anything you set your mind too.

But you also have an additional role in convincing other people in your life that they can achieve the required spiritual sense.

Pisces – The Moon

Astrology, Tarot, The Moon

As a Pisces, your moods are constantly changing, and this tarot card also brings out that aspect.

You rule over your emotions, and your compassionate nature attracts you to other people.

Tarot signs are helpful when you’re describing people.

Most tarots are connected to different Zodiac signs, and since they’re related to astrology, they’ll give you a better understanding of your personality and fate of your life.