Astrology Birth Chart

Astrology Birth Chart

 Astrology Birth Chart

A birth chart is also referred to as a natal chart. This is a map that contains the locations of the major astral bodies and planets during the time you were born. Many people don’t know about this birth chart, but it shows the various universe aspects that controls your life. And since the various astral bodies are moving across zodiac houses and signs when you are born, each of them will have a unique impact on your life and personality. For instance, when we use the example of the moon, you’ll realize that its position at your inner self and emotions.

Astrology Birth Chart

Information in the Astrology Birth Chart – What do birth chart mean?

The astrology birth chart simply analyzes the universal energies you will enjoy once you are born on the planet. That way, you will understand the forces in play that are responsible for your current behavior or feelings.

Besides your horoscope sign, the birth chart will also enable you to identify concealed parts about yourself and you’ll also understand the position of planets and how their connections define your personality.

Each planet has its unique energy that covers an aspect of your life. For instance, Venus in this chart determines your love life and so if you have any questions about your love, then knowing the placement of Venus in the Zodiac chart will help you determine it.

The meaning of moons and the rising sign in your birth chart

Most people know the meaning of their sun sign in astrology because it’s their horoscope sign. But did you know that the moon sign is also important as it determines your emotions. On the other hand, the rising sign shows your interaction with the outside world. During birth, you received a unique psyche imprint based on the position of the sun, moon, and the planet that was rising.

Reading and Analyzing Your Birth Chart

To get a full analysis of your astrology, you should have the time, location, day, month, and year you were born. With this information, you’ll find out whether you are a cusp sign and its meaning.

Moreover, you’ll know how the planets were positioned the time you were born and how their interactions will influence your entire horoscope.

The most accurate birth analysis chart will ask you the information on the minute, hour, date, and place of your birth. This is because the exact birth time affects the placement of the houses. If you don’t know the exact time, then you will make a close estimate.

What Do The Moon Signs Means

Though astrology appears like a vast and complex study, it uses the basic principles that you can learn with ease. And with the birth chart, you’ll understand how the sky was at the time you were born. It indicated the location of each planet and the constellation it occupied at the time of your birth.

For some birth charts, you will find planets being in a similar constellation while for others you’ll find them dotted at different parts of the sky. Well, let’s study all entities to enable you to understand what each means for your life.

Birth Chart

The Sun

If someone inquires about your sign, then regardless of whether they know or not, they’re asking about the position of the sun during your birth. The sun is a symbol of fundamental essence and this body represents many aspects of our lives.

From a sense of self to the ego, personality, and even numerous preferences, the celestial body is very helpful when it comes to learning about you.

Besides, it also governs Leo, a zodiac design that has the characteristic theatricality and bravery. Moving from one zodiac sign to another will take about one month.


Mercury is the smallest and the most innermost planet in the entire solar system. This planet was named after a certain messenger of the gods called Roman Deity.

In the astrological field, mercury is a sign of communication. And unlike the moon that represents our emotions, mercury is all about rationality and logic.

This astrological planet is important since it imparts knowledge, intellect, and curiosity to us that helps us analyze and interpret even complex issues or ideas.

Besides, mercury also governs earth sign Virgo and Gemini. These signs represent different expressions of this planet with Virgo representing input while Gemini representing output.


Venus Birth Chart

As we all know, when we think of love then no other planet comes to our mind than Venus. Venus is the epitome of beauty, romance, and love. Therefore, the position of Venus at the time of your birth shows the way you will love and receive love from others.

It’s also the most favorable planet for many since many can easily associate with admiration for their lovers, family, or friend. The planet also explains to you in detail what you should do or get to remain happier in your trysts and romantic relationships.


Mars Astrology Birth Chart

Well, the next planet in our list is on one of the aspects of love and that is your sex drive. Mars determines your attraction, sexual drive, your desires, and the way you respond to sexiness. Therefore, if you see yourself getting turned on, then check your birth chart and confirm what Mars is impacting your sexual life.


Birth chart Saturn

After Mars, the next on our list is Saturn and this one is not everyone’s favorite. It’s all about discipline, structure, lessons, and stability. The planet doesn’t seem to have rewards but it shows you the areas you will work on to get rewards.


Jupiter Birth Chart

Jupiter planets are of abundance and growth. Therefore, its position in your chart determines where and how you’ll reap abundance on earth.


Uranus Astrology Birth chart

Uranus planet is more on the urban side as it deals with society, innovation, and new technologies. This planet determines if and how you will react to the unconventional things in your life.


Neptune Birth Chart

Neptune is more of healing, creativity, and spirituality. Neptune is responsible for many fantasies in your life taking you away from reality. But with a good planet around it, you can turn your dreams into a reality.


Pluto Birth Chart

Pluto indicates where you should be in to get a favorable growth. Many astrologers dislike this planet but since the transformation is essential in your life, it’s still an important planet.

The birth chart enables you to understand more about the universe during your time of birth. That way, you will know your inner self better and explore opportunities destined for your life. Nowadays, you only enter your birth information online and you’ll receive a lengthier analysis of your birth chart.