Chinese Astrology

Chinese Astrology

Chinese Astrology

Chinese Zodiacs and their Meaning

China boasts of a vibrant and rich history of mythologies that have shaped its culture for centuries.

This history and mythology have also made China a favorite destination for those who want to learn more about the way of life of the people.

And since you may have seen some Zodiac signs, you’ll love to hear that horoscopes are important mythology in China.

Chinese horoscopes are seen as legendary in this country by its people. Well, there are 12 Chinese zodiac signs, and we have explained their meaning.

Astrology Chinese

Theories on the Origin of Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese horoscope has various theories tied to it and is therefore hard to specify when this era started. But the Animals used in Zodiac signs could be seen as early as during Tang Dynasty that was in place from 618 to 907AD and Warring States time that rules from 475 to 221 BC.

Chinese Zodiac signs also have their origins related to Silk Road and there is a wider belief Buddhists brought the different animals used in Zodiac during the trade. But some scholars disagree with this belief.

Some scholars believe that the advent of astrological beliefs in China was before the arrival of Indian Buddhists in the country. Another theory believes that the mythological beliefs are related to nomadic tribes who lived in old times in China.

These tribes used to hunt different animals and used them to create a calendar based on what they were hunting at a certain time.

From our research, therefore, we can conclude that there is no clear history of the Chinese zodiac; however, there is an interesting folk tale that explains its history.

This tale says that the Buddha (Jade Emperor) wanted all animals to come to a meeting for him to use them to create a calendar; however, only 12 creatures came. Some of the animals invited to the meeting were cats and rats who were good friends.

The cat told his friend the rat to sign for him but he forgot and they ended up becoming mortal enemies. The rat became the smartest of them all since he arrived earlier than the rest.

And it’s not that he was fastest but he was clever enough to ride on the back of the ox and jumped once they arrived in the palace, therefore, becoming the first creature to arrive.

Therefore, the order of animals in this Zodiac depends on the order of the arrival of each animal with the first one being the rat and the last being the pig. Other animals include the tiger, dragon, rabbit, snake, monkey, ram, horse, dog, chicken, and monkey.

How the Chinese Zodiac is Determined?

The world horoscopes that are in common use nowadays are centered on the movement of the sun while the Chinese astrology depends on lunar years.

And since our normal horoscopes only require you to know the specific day of your birth or that of someone else to know their Zodiac Sign, it’s different and trickier for the Chinese version.

This type of Zodiac relies much on your year of birth and it goes in every 12 years where each specific year has a certain animal. For example, the Dog’s Zodiac years include 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, and 2008.

Therefore, if 2030 is the Year of Rat for instance, then the other next 12 years will be a repeat of the Rat’s year and so on.

Chinese Astrology Years

Also, one thing you should know about the Chinese Zodiac is that there is no exact day for the New Year, but rather it can fall from January 22 to February 19.

Zodiac Uses

Just like the usual Zodiac, China’s signs represent many aspects of our lives. They are very useful even nowadays and they help in:

When you want to understand someone’s personality

When you want to check compatibility with your partner before marriage

When you want to ask someone his age without posing it directly

In postal stamps


They correspond with different Chinese cities or towns

What is the Chinese Zodiac?

Chinese Zodiac is also known as Shu Xiang or Sheng Xiao and has 12 animals. These animals are: the rat, tiger, ox, dragon, rabbit, horse, snake, rooster, dog, pig, monkey and sheep.

It’s now over 2,000 years old and is an important component of Chinese culture. And though you might think that these 12 Animal signs only represent the years, they’re also believed to influence many aspects of people’s lives including their career, personality, fortune, and marriage compatibility.

The zodiac signs rotate after every 12 years and the spotlight is given to a zodiac sign after every 12-year cycle. And focusing on this year, it’s the Year of the Pig and those who were born under this sign will get unlucky in many ways but those who are on other zodiac signs may be luckier in other ways according to a review by astrologers.

Astrologers have found a special connection between the 12 zodiac animals and human beings. And for many centuries, these zodiac creatures have been believed to have a huge impact on the characters of human beings like other signs.

Astrology Chinese Years and signs


Legend of the Zodiacs

According to a certain legend, Jade Emperor wanted to pick 12 animals to be guards of his residence. The cat requested his friend rat to sign for him to join the competition but rat forgot about it leading to them becoming mortal enemies.

Once all the competing animals were at the royal residence, the ox was a clear favorite but the rat outfoxed him in the race by climbing onto his back then at the finish line, bounced, to be the first creature to cross the finishing line.

On the other hand, the dragon and tiger were behind the ox in the finish line and the bunny raced with dragon also ended up succeeding in the race.

The other animals in the race were the dog and rabbit who were competing with the dog being disciplined by being taken to the back. Finally, the pig was the last one on the race and when everything was getting settled, he arrived.

But just like other folk tales, this is just a story since even felines were non-existent in China when the story of zodiac creatures came into the light.


12 Chinese Zodiac Signs

Astrology Chinese Zodiac signs


1. Year of the Rat

For the people who were born in the Year of the Rat like gathering and sparing. They hardly face any monetary challenges and they’re satisfied throughout their lives. And when you receive a gift or any other blessing from a Rat, then be grateful as he values you.

These people rarely gift other people cash and so getting it from them is like you are valuable in their lives.

Also, they don’t look for acknowledgment or acclaim. Also, they are extremely touchy and know of inconveniences when they occur and when they choose to go for broke, then they will be extremely fruitful.

2. Year of the Ox

Individuals who belong to the Chinese zodiac Ox are the diligent employees who love their routine and they value other people’s expectations. And even though their work environment may be filled with conflicts, they usually persevere through.

They’re quiet, not too sentimental, and don’t like forcing relationships with people. While the Ox is smart, trustworthy caring and honorable, it can also be a bit judgmental and this characteristic can keep them from having the close friends and relationships that they desire.

In the business world, because the Ox can be a strong leader, it can also be a bit stubborn or dogmatic and when they become temperamental, then it’s wild and could scare everyone in a bit. They prefer to lead and don’t like to be pushed around.

3. Year of the Tiger

Typically, the Tiger individuals are very confident and free around others. They also love their role of being the defender and pioneer of normal individuals. Tigers love and desire equality and if you are competing for someone or for something with them, then don’t expect them to surrender.

But they’re usually neglectful which is their first shortcoming is, but they never fall completely. Instead, they will look for ways of getting back into their feet and persevere through all thorns in their way.

4. Year of the Rabbit

Individuals who are born during this sign are usually calm, amiable, and delicate. They are canny, chic, and tolerant. Since they’re usually highly aware of the people’s expectations on them, they usually succeed in their profession.

It’s also rare to find these individuals succumbing to someone for life. And even if they meet their perfect match, then they will respect them over time before they ever look for someone else.

5. Year of the Dragon

These individuals who are born in this Zodiac sign usually brim with sentiment and experience in their hearts. They also have a tricky character which makes it hard to understand them and they don’t worry about the usual things that stress the typical normal individual. And though they may look sluggish, if they set their heart to something then they become more enthusiastic and aggressive than people of other Zodiac signs.

6. Year of the Snake

These individuals are normally dreamers and though you may judge that these individuals are cold, somewhere in their hearts they are eager and warm. They also desire to possess the elite wealth and other luxurious to an exceptionally higher limit. And when they don’t get somebody, then they exceedingly get angry.

7. Year of the Horse

People who are born during this Chinese zodiac sign and rarely give up. Most times you’ll find them being fiery, positive and they always look forward. They also desire a place where they have the liberty to do the things they want and speak what they want to. But they also have negative characteristics including losing interest fast about certain things.

8. Year of the Goat

Individuals who are born in this zodiac sign have a kind and unadulterated heart. When contended they can remain quiet and ruin your state of mind and regardless of their composure, they will keep their supposition to the end. And when it comes to defending their interests, they will do any action to satisfy themselves. And even though they’re calm and cordial, they will use this character to convince others to support their opinion.

9. Year of the Monkey

Those who are born in this time depend on their intrigue when doing things. For instance, if they’re keen on something, then they will put their whole heart and attention to it until it becomes successful. But if it’s something they don’t care about, then they will make careless steps when dealing with it. Monkeys are also full of vitality and interest in their life and they value connections. Their only drawback is that they tend to ruin the youngsters.

10. Year of the Rooster

Those who are born during this time can detect the feelings or thoughts of others. They have high EQ and reply faster to conversations or questions. And though they are the best companions, some of them can be tricky.  Also they are quite skilled and imaginative when it comes to the human experience. Finally, they take every step and they plans with caution.

11. Year of the Dog

These individuals are usually traditionalists and desire equity in their lives. They’re also devoted to their work and though they may disrupt the guidelines at times, they value people who make their lives easier. And they also love their family and wish to stay with them every step of the way.

12. Year of the Pig

Those people who are born during this time think quite well and can solve any type of issue they get into. And though they don’t how to communicate well, they always desire family and are benevolent. Their only shortcoming is that they’re short-tempered.

Each culture comes with its distinct rules, accepted behavior, rituals, and more. And since there are different types of astrology, each of them has their own beliefs and the Chinese astrology is one.